Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just another Wednesday Morning in the big backyard

My garden...
You know I look at blogs like Mary's at "My New 30" and I think I'm so far behind. I've always wanted to live somewhere green, and I always envy those who do. My garden is sooo far behind some of you.

Having said that tho...I love the desert, the HIGH desert. (I cannot tolerate the Arizona heat in the summer time. Don't yell at me Arizonians, my son lives there, and I do like it, just in the winter time best )
I wonder what it takes to "love" the desert. How do we acclimate to our surroundings? How do we come to love a place? While I can appreciate other regions and I want nothing more than to visit them, and enjoy them....the high desert is home.

It has always been a source of controversy, the question: which is better the forest or the wide open spaces?

People who grow up in the desert, with wide-open spaces tend to get claustrophobic in the mountains/forests.
They've even gone so far to say that "it's pretty, but all you can see is a tree. It blocks your view".
But people from more wooded areas can find the "wide-open" spaces (especially desert spaces) very bleak and kind of melancholy.
I like both (there's nothing like being a fence walker. Very PC, that's me. )
I grew up in Washington and Oregon, so I love the mountain/forests and the lakes. But I've lived in Nevada for much longer, and I truly love the high desert.
What I don't like.... FORGIVE ME FLATLANDERS.... or it's not that I don't like it, but I haven't had the opportunity to appreciate it, are the flatlands.

Okay, enough said, this is about my big backyard!!
We are high desert, dry, arid, wide-open spaces. It' get green and lush soon enough (if I put enough water on it.)

It looks like I am still in the beginning stages by this picture, but if you look closely, you can see that I have radishes coming up. And some marigolds.
It's just that I'm still adding stuff.

We put in these barrels to take the overflow.... tomato plants and some peas (even tho I know it's too hot for the peas now) and the rest of the lettuce.
I have some mint growing haphazardly there, (I keep trying to pull it up and it keeps coming back) and some rhubarb too.

I put the chair back in place...(I had moved it to get a picture without it. And the screens behind it. I guess we need to put them back in the windows. I just like looking thru windows without screens, but now that summer is upon us again, they must go back in) that is where the handy man sits while he watches me work.
That is such a switch in our personalities.... he sitting while I'm working. Usually it's the other way around.

The week before last we were worried about freezing temps at night. The Handy Man even bought some plastic to cover our garden, just in case.
Then on Saturday it hit 92 degrees and hasn't let up since!
Crazy weather.

We did have some wind tho..... and all the little worms from the Mulberry Tree came down.

I won't take a picture of this, but we've discovered that our cat, Izzy, goes to the bathroom in the yard. Just like a dog. Just like her big brother Monroe. LOL (our basset hound).
How weird is that? She'll scratch a bit of dead grass and a leaf or two up on it, but ????

The rest of the photos are just random of our yard, to see how it "greens up" over the summer.

Another frog....

The Handy Man HATES that I put little do-dahs in the middle of the yard. It upsets his mowing technique. His "grid" if you will.

This morning I stood "outside" my Kitchen Window, and took the same pictures I've been taking from inside my kitchen. I will use these on my food blog, when I post "What's outside your kitchen Window"


  1. Your backyard is looking beautiful! I've been amazed at how quickly things green up after winter. Everytime I want to put something in the yard, my gardener says it's just one more thing for him to have to weed whack around. LOL Love your patio... I'm missing ours in CA which, like yours had a roof over it. We just have a deck now with no cover. Glad you got a G-rated frog this time and thanks for sparing us with a picture of the kitty doo-doo. LOL

  2. Your yard is so pretty. Some day . . .
