Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lonesome Winter

Winter is a lonely place.  I think it can be sometimes anyway.....
It's a bit melancholy.

Some long overdue scenes from my backyard.
Quail.  They are fat birds! 
Just for the record, our bassett hound, Monroe died a few days after Christmas.
Even tho we always have Quail come to visit our yard, we think there might be more this  year. 
Poor old Monroe scared them away.

Sunrise in the Stone Backyard.

It's how the hanyman sees to BBQ in the winter.....the bare lightbulb.  And then, sunlight behind the empty hummingbird feeder.
And beneath those pictures,  just a lilac branch. Bare, wintery, barron.

A lone hen with a chick!

some "found" bottles in a flower bed
(old clorox bottles found in the desert)

A leftover apple....for the birds

Okay, so we had a few leftover apples on the tree.

Izzy the cat.  She waits paitently for spring.
Plus she is very sad lately....she misses Monroe.